10 Foods You Should Never Feed A Dog.

10 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Dogs
As a dog lover, you want to be sure that you keep them as healthy as possible. You should take special care in what you feed them. Before you feed your dog anything other than dog food, you need to think “is this food bad for my dog to eat?” You may be surprised at some of these foods that you should never feed your dog.
⦁ Chocolate
Chocolate is one of the most well-known foods that you should never feed your dog. It is actually toxic for your dog, especially dark chocolate and baking chocolate. The reactions can vary from mild symptoms like vomiting all the way to seizures and abnormal heart rhythms.
⦁ Bones
Typically, bones are associated with dogs but bones can be quite hazardous to their health. Bones can fracture, getting lodged in their throats as a choking hazard or could potentially puncture their digestive tract.
⦁ Bacon
Bacon can’t be bad for dogs, right? They make dog treats that pretend to be bacon, but they aren’t bacon. This is because real bacon is very fatty and salty, which leads to a variety of different issues including pancreatitis, upset stomach, and cause extreme cases of bloat that could be fatal.
⦁ Dairy Products
Dogs have a difficult time with processing dairy products from cows. In fact, there are many dogs who are lactose intolerant. Dairy products can cause pancreatitis, vomit, and gastrointestinal discomfort.
⦁ Alcohol
Your dog may be your best friend, but they are not a friend you should be grabbing drinks with. Alcohol has the same effect on dogs as it does on humans, only it takes a lot less of it to impact your dog.
⦁ Raw Meats
You may see people raving about natural and raw diets for their dogs but the bacteria in raw meat can potentially harm your dog. There are incidences of salmonella and e. coli infections in dogs.
⦁ Grapes and Raisins
As raisins are made from grapes, they need to be completely avoided. Grapes have been linked to causing renal failure in dogs.
⦁ Avocado
Avocadoes contain a product known as persin, which can be found in every part of the avocado. This can be toxic to dogs, especially in large quantities. Pits can also be choking hazards for dogs.
⦁ Gum and Candy
Xylitol is one of the biggest problems when it comes to candy. This can cause a surge of insulin in the body of your dog, which could potentially lead to liver failure. This could also be found in peanut butter so keep that in mind when buying peanut butter before feeding it to your dog.
⦁ Sugar
Sugar can lead to a lot of the same problems in dogs that it can cause in humans. Avoid sugar as to prevent issues like dental health problems and diabetes.
Always be careful when giving your dogs any foods that are not specifically made for them to eat. There are a lot of hidden dangers in human foods, so it will be best to stick to dog food and treats for them.